Stardoll style changes from black and white to colourful from DKNY to LE. There are awesome new hotbuys out here are some of them!!
Pretty'n Pink now called Pretty'n Love has some Fantastic new hotbuys out this season :)
Or if your more elegant check out voiles awesome collection of elegant dresses!
Perfect day also has some awesome dresses including Kate Middletons wedding dress and some awesome brides mades dresses.
If your a non superstar and want some awesome clothes visit Wild Candy
If your looking for some unique fashions why noit go to Windows of the World.
And one of my favourite shops is Rio a mix of animal prints cool outifts and dresses this shop is amazing!
Stardoll has a variety of different shops for different personalitiys new hotuys collectors items LE and Antidote could be coming out soon so keep an eye out!! Usually stardoll has free stuff so have a look!
One more tip when your picking an outfit dont worry about what others say be unique be origninal and be yourself!!!
xoxo Chloe
Visit me on stardoll!